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We are at a point where human life on Earth is at a crossroads. It is a turning point for the soul’s experience in incarnate form. While the essence of our being is Divine, the current operating system of mind is producing an experience and expression through the incarnate vehicle that is of a much lower nature in fear, separation, and conflict.
Our intrinsic unity is that we are a multidimensional being of a pure Divine nature. We need not transform, evolve, search, seek, or ascend according to the conflict of the thinking mind. We cannot use the ways of our conditioned thinking mind’s perspective in association with its emotional anchors within the unawakened state in order to transform to our true being. However, we must change the basic awareness of the manifestation of our energy. We do this from the inner silence of a heart-centered awareness where we experience love and intentional creative action of the Divine.
From within the heart, we are still assisted by an overall context to open to understanding, knowledge, practice, meditation, transforming, etc. However, we are not approaching this activity from the direction of the thinking mind, but from the intuitive insight and wisdom of the heart. We are not using the conditioned thinking mind that is a perpetual censor of experience according to its known inputs from the past. As we live from the guidance of the heart, we are working our way through the elements of using our lower nature in transformative practice in order to go beyond their necessity. We will need to integrate and continually move beyond systems of thought, ideas, and concepts as we embody the Divine consciousness.

Divine Timing in Human Awakening
We sense and feel at a deep soul level that it is time to awaken and embody Divine awareness through the body on Earth. Humanity for thousands of years has been desiring to awaken to our true nature. While all of the past wisdom has been valuable, we have not evolved into who we really are as an infinite consciousness of love and creativity experiencing and expressing in an incarnate bodily vehicle of consciousness. We sense at the level of soul and spirit that we must choose to awaken. Thus, in recent times we have ways of communicating this inner sensation, feeling, and knowing—supramental consciousness, evolution of consciousness, a dimensional shift, 5D Earth, ascension, etc. We feel that a Divine synchronic timing is at work in our current experience on Earth.
In whatever way that we are guided to awaken and to choose a change of our awareness through a pure harmonic embodiment of Divine consciousness, there is not a defined system, method, idea, concept, language, or thinking that can accomplish this for us. This is a soul realization of awakening to pure being of love and creativity. At some level of frequency, all external systems are based on the thinking mind’s memory, conditioning, and emotional encodings. External resonances can at times remind us of our interior infinite being, but only a free consciousness can create in the present moment outside of time and space.
Therefore, as a unique expression of the unity in Divine Being, the multidimensional self is its fully self-sufficient technology. The true human being is Divine infinite consciousness of soul in spirit with an intelligent organization of the Light mind in unity with a Divine cellular crystalline physical body. Humanity as the embodiment of Divine infinite consciousness is a pure infinite knowing with unlimited intelligence capabilities to love and create in the fluid now of life.

Beyond the Conditioned Thinking Mind—Choosing Divine Embodiment
If we choose not to awaken to our Divine embodiment, we will continue to follow the way of the fear-based thinking mind and external systems, ideas, methods, and controls. Humanity has a momentous choice. The entire fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has in effect been a wrong turn for humanity. It has been a choice of trauma, chaos, conflict, and lack of freedom. It is a false self egoic consciousness of the fear-based thinking mind of survival through conflict.
The whole dualistic material consciousness is a disconnection from the heart’s intelligence and its intercommunication with the prefrontal cortex, limbic system, and the entire transceiving crystalline body. The inharmonic frequencies of the thinking and emotional system is both a transmission to and a reaction to the reptilian hindbrain survival impulse that reinforces the fight, flight, and freeze response of the autonomic nervous system. This low level warning system of emotional encoding enables a human shock response that loops the mind and addicts the body to the biochemicals of negative emotion.
The fear-based frequencies of the mind translate to physical body consciousness frequencies that restrict and armor the body in separation. The whole trauma based humanity has been masking our true interior consciousness technologies of infinite love, creativity, and freedom. External technology has been developed to take advantage of this veiling of our Divine consciousness ability. If humans do not wake up, they may in fact be choosing to continue to diminish the experience of true being and ultimately lose the incarnate human expression within external technology. The biological conscious human being would be lost in a fabrication of manipulated frequencies that would be a merger of humanity with technology. If one really sees and hears, the movement of transhumanism, computer chips, digitalization, EMF, ELF, and RF fields, biotechnology, geoengineering, etc. is the choice to lose the incarnate human in an artificial reality.
Within the incoming universal and galactic energies transduced by the Sun and then relayed in resonance through the Earth, humanity has moved into a 4D psychological dimension of consciousness. From within the old operating system of mind, it is experienced as a sort of artificial compression of time into shorter and shorter cycles—a type of mechanical repetition without knowing and feeling. In part, this is occurring because of the successive transition and morphing of digitalization. In effect, it is a fabricated illusion of being in the now without the fluidity of a natural feeling memory and presence. Its result is a robotic conditioning of the fear-based thinking mind of the last five thousand years, but with a more fundamental controlled restriction of the multifaceted nuance of human communication and interaction. From within the resonance of the conditioned thinking mind, this is the fear-based bandwidth of the 4D frequency.
When we place our attention in heart consciousness, we can open our awareness to the harmonic range of the 4D frequency in preparation for receiving and transmitting the 5D frequency. In harmonic 4D, time is experienced as synchronistic without any sense of duration through the freedom and creativity of the heart. Here, this level of time perception is a transitioning to a multi-frequency that is beyond time in a 5D and above dimension.

Divine Embodiment, Light Mind, and Divine Frequency Body
Our choice is to awaken and emanate our infinite being within and through incarnate physical life on Earth. This shift in consciousness is to move beyond the 3D-4D simulation that is an extremely fabricated artificial restrictive awareness. Within our Divine nature embodied, we are our own interior consciousness technology. In Divine embodiment, we are harmonic crystalline cellular physical bodies in unity with the Light mind of knowing through heart consciousness.
In Divine consciousness, the conflict and friction ceases. The Light mind does not think. It is an intelligent consciousness and energy that just knows without seeking knowledge in the fragmented duality of thought. In the Light mind, intuitive knowing is a harmonic pulsation of synchronic expansion and contraction. Knowledge maintains its inherent frequency of felt knowing. This knowledge of light can then harmonize with harmonic sound frequencies through incarnate form. With the mind in the fullness of the now, our multidimensional being is free to love and create. We express a continual knowing action of infinite potential as we love and create in physical form. In Divine embodiment, creative intention and manifestation is the instantaneous perpetual operating system of the Light mind through the body. Creativity is through intention that is beyond thought and emotion. It is a pure knowing through an organization of a mind of Light and Divine feeling throughout the body.
In Divine consciousness, we awaken and restore our full communication and movement ability. We go beyond the fragmented translation of language to the pure heart-centered telepathic communication. Our natural unlimited movement is restored to the fullness of teleportation. We move beyond the physical consumptive model of cellular regeneration to the pure energy regeneration of biochemical processes. The Divine consciousness in physical bodily form is self-sufficient in manifesting the harmonic organization and regeneration of cellular form. In a 5D frequency and beyond of our physical embodiment of Divine infinite consciousness, our multidimensional self restores a conscious connection with all in universal spirit. With restoration of our true being, we clearly have synchronistic communication with all souls in the universe and dimensionless spiritual realms. We feel no sense of separation or loss from all souls that we have ever known.
With the Divine embodiment in the physical through the pure harmonic frequencies of light and sound, the human being will go beyond death as we currently know it. With perfect cellular regeneration, consciousness as energy and bodily matter is beyond entropy. The process that has been leading to cellular breakdown is from the trauma based inharmonic thinking mind of conflict, fear, and separation. In this conditioned operating system of mind, we lose the full dynamic intensity of love and creativity that is our soul and spirit. With the awakening and remembering of heart consciousness, we will enable the Divine infinite consciousness to fully embody within our spirit, soul, and physical body. Then, the transition of the soul to experience other dimensions, incarnations, and dimensionless spiritual realms is through an intentional transformation of energy as consciousness.
At present, the lower level mind comes into being through early development in cultural civilization, past life incarnational encodings, and intergenerational transmission. These inharmonic frequencies disrupt and block the harmonic movement of the Divine consciousness. They may prevent strong energy circuits of connection between the heart and Light mind—i.e., the full electromagnetic movement of light and sound frequency through the nervous and endocrine systems. For example, the trauma based thinking mind and negative emotional encodings may keep in place the telomere caps on chromosome within DNA which over time inhibit effective cellular regeneration.
As we awaken, evolve, and embody the true human being on Earth, we will be infinite creators in the pure harmonic fluidity of life. We will experience the unlimited nature of consciousness as experienced through the frequencies of bodily expression. We will express our true humanity as Divine infinite consciousness that is telepathic, creative intention, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, intentional soul transition, and perpetual conscious soul connection. This is human freedom, love, and creativity incarnate on Earth.

As we awaken to our true multidimensional humanity, we become aware of our unlimited consciousness abilities of Infinite Being. We are Infinite Divine Being in unity consciousness experiencing the cosmos through incarnate form. Within a heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we can experience a seamless harmonic communication exchange of pure meaning. This type of direct communication from the higher mind in the heart has been historically referred to as “telepathy.” We will find that the unveiled frictionless frequencies of information transmission and decoding in a telepathic consciousness are very natural in a higher dimensional humanity.

The Fear-Based Conflict, Control, and Separation Matrix Infecting Humanity
For thousands of years, humanity on Earth has experienced the spirit, soul, and body within a very limited 3D frequency band of consciousness through the five physical senses and the fear-based egoic level of the mind. The false system of fear, conflict, control, and separation has conditioned human consciousness to decode and sense life experience in dense energetic frequencies of extreme limitation and disharmony. By being restricted to a slower and dense frequency range of conflict, the pure flow of love and creativity of the true Divine human has been blocked by fear-based thoughts, negative emotional encoding, traumas, and body armor. This restricted flow of human multidimensional energies reduces life force, and thus inhibits love, creative expression, and the natural state of the physical body that is beyond all disease.
As a result of the narrow frequency band of fear-based duality perception, humanity has negative emotional encodings and limiting beliefs in a separation of the conscious and unconscious mind. The restriction to the very narrow frequency band of information that is consciousness vibrating at a dense level of the physical has veiled humanity from its true capabilities of nonlocal consciousness in Divine Being. All of the accumulated traumas, attachments to lower frequency emotions, and repetitive limiting thought patterns have reduced the full energetic transduction and emanation capability of the heart center.

Higher Dimensional Communication and Creativity
With the full capacity of the heart to experience and express the higher dimensional light and love of the Divine, humanity can restore the ability of the higher mind through the brain to decode, transmit, and express multiple frequencies and bandwidths of information and consciousness. The higher mind operating from within the organization of the heart has the abilities of instantaneous memory, telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation. In this article, we will focus on the ability and experience of telepathic consciousness.
We are infinite and eternal souls experiencing our awareness with the physical frequencies of consciousness that organize and express as the physical vehicle of the body. We are experiencing a level of incarnate form that is humanity on Earth. The current experience of incarnation has been in a very dense range of inharmonic duality within the third dimension. The level of conflict, control, and separation that has been conditioning Earth humanity for thousands of years does not reflect who humanity truly is as infinite multidimensional beings.
There are many dimensions and levels of experiencing incarnations within the universe. The true Divine freedom of the human being can best learn in a consciousness of infinite choice of love and creativity within the incarnate experience. Most incarnate soul experiences within the many dimensions of the cosmos experience their soul evolution in these frequencies of consciousness. Earth humanity now has a choice to awaken and ascend to these harmonic frequencies and move beyond the severe control frequencies that have enslaved and imprisoned the incarnate experience on this planet.
Communication that is nonlocal, multidimensional, harmonic, and of pure meaning is foundational to the learning through unlimited love and creativity. Living from a heart-centered unity consciousness is a fully cooperative experience of our unique being in shared unity with others. The seamless, open, free, and purely understood communication of telepathic consciousness is natural to our unique soul experience and our shared activity to further unlimited creative human expression of Divine Being.

Language in a Limited 3D Frequency
The story of the Tower of Babel is one aspect of the narrow frequency of human communication that has impeded our true nature. When the negative force intervened within humanity on Earth, the resulting consciousness encodings restricted awareness to a level of miscommunication, misperception, and misunderstanding of the egoic mind using symbol and sound within a fear-based consciousness. There is a limitation of knowing through language communication using 2D and 3D symbols and frequencies in visible light and in the auditory range of the present physical senses.
Currently, language in the visual and auditory band of the human physical senses within the limited 3D consciousness is only partial. The 3D language tools are incapable of communicating full meaning. The meaning is greatly stepped down and must be interpreted. Thus, at this level humanity is constantly working under a dark veil of misperception and misinterpretation. As a result, the egoic mind works incessantly to deal with this conflict and creates tremendous background noise and static. In this type of language communication through stepped down frequencies that do not have the energy to carry precise information, meaning is diluted and distorted. Within this dense frequency band, humanity never has full unimpeded communication. There is always a level of disharmonic friction.
When the senses and communication abilities are limited to a particular 3D bandwidth, the only way to receive and express pure meaning is in silence beyond words. We can do this, even in the vastly reduced level of decoding consciousness in 3D, because we have multidimensional awareness of infinite consciousness as souls in Divine Being. We can directly communicate the love of the Divine which infinitely transcends the slow and friction based frequencies of 3D language.
Before we discuss our awakening to the full message communication of the higher mind in a heart-centered consciousness, we need to describe one other capability of the visible and audible frequencies of language. While we are focusing on the severe limitations of this form of communication as compared to our higher dimensional communication abilities in a much broader spectrum of energy, we will first mention the gifts of even this lower level communication. First, the ability to communicate the level of meaning that we currently do in 3D is a remarkable use of just the current visible light frequency and present frequencies of hearing. It is a powerful intelligent use of the lower level 3D communication tools to communicate a relatively high level of meaning with the limits of symbols and sound combinations within the narrow range of the present decoding capabilities of humans for light and sound.
Secondly, words in symbols and sounds do have the ability to hold and emanate the frequencies of consciousness of the communicator. Even higher dimensional meaning can be encoded within the sequencing and expression of words and multi-frequencies of sound, as well as carrying the frequencies of intent, emotions, and feelings of the communicator. The soul has found ways to communicate its essence even among the most limiting and narrow frequency bands. Even with some level of success within daunting limitation, it remains extremely challenging to communicate through perpetual inharmonic and conflicting energies that cannot convey full meaning.

Higher Dimensional Mind and Body Communication within the Heart
Humanity is awakening and evolving beyond its narrow level of consciousness in dense 3D frequencies. We are healing the conditioning and attachments to low level trauma frequencies and opening to the full capacity of heart consciousness to receive and emanate higher dimensional energy. Within the heart, the full capabilities of the mind and physical brain can return to humanity. In order for humans to see, hear, feel, and know in the fullness of multidimensional and nonlocal frequencies, the nervous system must be balanced. This balance will enable the part of the hormonal system through the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and the pineal gland to decode and transmit higher frequencies of light. With the heart consciousness remembering the infinite unity of the soul in Divine Being, biophotons can communicate through the cellular network of the body through a DNA manifestation that expresses the Divine human.
We begin to open to our full meaning and conflict free communication at the 5D and 6D frequencies of consciousness. In telepathic consciousness, there are no longer any 3D interference frequencies of the uncertain conscious mind and the unconscious mind chatter. The awareness of the Divine consciousness from the higher mind within the heart and through the body is a noiseless, no static state. Therefore, in this harmonic awareness without the friction of conflict, humanity is free to love, and create as both personal souls and in intersubjective unity with other humans and all of creation.
The higher mind frequencies are able to communicate the full message without misunderstanding in all situations. This frees the soul incarnate to fully create and to develop their soul evolution. Within this consciousness of complete loving communication without the veils, misperceptions, and conflict, humanity can express infinite choice and creativity. All choices have no conflict or negative impact on other souls. Infinite intelligence organizes in cooperative frequencies to enable ever higher levels of creativity. The gifts of all souls will be working in harmonic conjunction with other souls to further their own soul evolution and creativity and their shared experiences and gifts.
There is no misperception of meaning and nothing is hidden between personal souls. At this dimensional level of consciousness, there is a whole new meaning of teacher, student, and learning. It is a cooperative exchange of information to further the creative mission of each. The understanding and flow of information is open as all parties intuitively know the information and knowledge that is meant to be exchanged in order to further their purpose in love and creativity.
Within the higher dimensional consciousness in Divine unity, communication is a telepathic exchange where the parties know the meaning of the shared encounter. The dynamic power of higher frequency light is uninhibited by doubt, fear, misunderstanding, or competitive conflict. Each unique soul in total freedom works in unity with others within the cooperative purpose for knowledge in furthering the infinity of creativity and love.
Within the heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we have full memory and instantaneous nonlocal communication to all in the universe through our multidimensional Being. Fifth dimensional life and beyond is a dynamic interchange conveying information through our multisensory and multichannel mind within an incarnate physical body that can tune and emanate these frequencies. May we continue to awaken to our true Divine human consciousness so as to remember, restore, and evolve our harmonic telepathic consciousness on Earth.

At this point in the dimensional shift, we are now ready to fully develop our natural telepathic communication which the mind accesses from within our nonlocal heart consciousness. 

Communication is the exchange of information.  At the level of the conscious mind, humans have for the most part communicated using sound and light waves via the denser frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Here, we primarily use the senses of sight, sound, and touch to communicate.  Light, information, and consciousness at the level of mind is converted into a visual and oral language system that can then be delivered through physical light and sound waves.  The vast majority of human communication is restricted to this frequency range in the physical third dimension.

In our current 3D humanity, the unconscious mind extends the limited bandwith of the senses and the veiled 3D conscious mind by being able to process a much greater quantity of information, i.e., deciphering meaning through multiple sound tones and body language.  While the unconscious mind in our limited 3D consciousness gives us an expanded communication, it always becomes restricted by the extremely limited attention of the conscious mind.  The human conscious mind at a three dimensional consciousness can only process less than ten bits of data at a time, whereas the unconscious can process millions of data.  And beyond the unconscious, the higher self and its unity with the Divine mind can be presently aware along the infinite continuum.

Because of the time and space limits of the lower senses and the 3D level of the conscious mind, human external technology has sought to expand the human sensory system.  In the twentieth century, radio waves, television signals, and electronic computer communication have extended our sensory ability in the limited 3D environment.  While this has greatly expanded our connection and communication as a transitional stage, it is still using artificial means to extend our own true inner capabilities.  The human multidimensional awareness of love, creativity, harmony, and unity has been restricted by a denser inharmonious 3D consciousness of fear, conflict, control, and separation. 

In the fully aware multidimensional human consciousness across all twelve dimensions and the dimensionless spiritual realms, the human primarily uses interior consciousness technologies to communicate.  Instead of extending the lower senses via external technologies, the higher senses, mind, and heart are now fully attuned to their higher capacities of information exchange and multdimensional simultaneous conscious memory.  The most basic form of higher communication is what we understand as telepathy–the communication between beings of information using thought waves as subtle energy that move faster than the slower 3D electromagnetic frequencies.  The higher mind, DNA, and neural and cellular pathways within all human beings have both a sending and receiving capacity.  Ultimately, it is not a sending and receiving, but is an intentional manifestation of consciousness and energy to a unique part of the one whole.

At this point in the dimensional shift to a 5D unity consciousness, it is time for evolving and ascending humans to become aware that we are on the pathway to restoring our primary communication ability.  As we continue to align with the incoming higher frequency cosmic energy, heal remaining fear-based restrictions in consciousness, and attune our chakras to a 5D frequency, we will begin to discover the true human being.  We will open to who we truly are. We will begin to remember and know the magnificent consciousness technology that is the multidimensional spirit, soul, and body. 

Given our true ability to communicate, love, and create beyond all 3D limits, what is the role of the more limited human 3D senses that now occupy the majority of our means of communication?  They are still used as a gift of experience.  Sensing in the lower 3D physical spectrum is a dense level of experiencing and expressing our being and the cosmic creation.  This level provides a distinct quality to experience and joy.  While it will no longer be our primary frequency of communication, it will provide important input to our experience as incarnate beings in the universe.  With humanity no longer being restricted to only limiting forms of communication, lower sensory communication does not have to be part of the separation and frustration of limited consciousness–it can now be selected in the joy of total freedom.  The infinite soul incarnate as a multidimensional being can have unlimited awareness.  With this freedom, the human being now has the option to choose more specific attentional awareness to create and love in pure joy.

We are now at a key stage in the transition phase of our dimensional ascension to a fifth dimensional unity consciousness on earth. As we move into the dynamic stage of the shift, we need to become fully aware that telepathy is natural to our multidimensional communication, commit to its restoration and evolving development, and be open to choosing this communication as we continue to align with higher consciousness and energy.

The mind and higher chakras enable the human being to transmit information of words, images, and symbols directly to the conscious awareness of the unified human being.  We are all connected to each other in the unified field of energy, consciousness, light, and Divine unity.  When we think of telepathy, we tend to identify it as psychic abilities, techniques such as remote viewing, and all other extraordinary abilities of the mind domain.  In reality, telepathy is just a higher frequency means of using information and consciousness as waves to communicate with each other and the cosmos.  Very simply, it is the same as talking in person, on the phone, writing to each other, radio, video, and the multimedia of electronic communication, as well as the ability to transmit all information with instantaneous memory retrieval.  Because of our restriction to only 3D awareness, this ability needs to be remembered and reconnected.

At the fully telepathic level, there is no unconscious/conscious mind.  The fifth dimensional and beyond mind is no longer split or veiled in the polarity of conscious and unconscious.   Without this separation,  the mind does not have any defensive barriers, armoring, or restriction to only the lower senses.  The unlimited free flow of information in terms of access and transfer is restored.  All consciousness, information, and expression has the potential to be always available to conscious awareness. 

It is important to know that the use of our telepathic grid is within our heart consciousness.  Our most deepest and highest way to be and to communicate is through the feeling communion of love from the heart.  Through the heart, we can communicate with each other across the infinite and eternal.  The telepathic ability of the mind works in conjunction with the organization and intentional direction of the heart.  When we open to our true heart consciousness with full connection to the higher mind, we become the infinite multidimensional being of love and creativity in incarnate form.  May we be open to the restoration of our natural telepathic communication in unity with the heart as we transform, evolve, and shift into the fifth dimension.

The next two months of September and October is a time to prepare for the next level of awakening to a dynamic phase of the dimensional shift.  Both the changing energetic frequencies of the last two months and the increasing frequencies throughout the upcoming two months represent various transitional phases of the dimensional shift to a fifth dimensional unity consciousness.  The evolving vibration that we are experiencing bears a correlation to the work of Carl Johan Calleman’s Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar which began on March 9, 2011 and completes on October 28, 2011. 

The galactic, solar, and earth energies have been transforming to a much higher vibration as we move toward an evolutionary shift to a heart-centered unity consciousness.  As we align our consciousness with these energies, we heal, transform, and evolve to our true multidimensional consciousness.  The human multidimensional consciousness will ultimately organize and stabilize at 5D as we shift to a new earth vibration and a higher frequency of incarnate humanity on earth.

Throughout all phases of the dimensional shift, we are transforming the human 3D consciousness of fear, conflict, and separation to a heart-centered 5D unity consciousness.  We are finding our truth within the heart, in unity with the Divine, as our true self being and expression of love and creativity.  Therefore, as we prepare to move to the dynamic stage of the dimensional shift, it remains ever important to stay within the heart.  As lower negative frequencies attempt to draw us into resonance with the fear-based dualism of only the 3D level of the mind, we must gently direct awareness within to the love and creative expanse of the heart.

We will outline three areas of awareness and action that will serve as a guide for the remainder of the transition phase and the beginning of the dynamic stage.  First, we must continue to become more aware of the false 3D and 4D fear, conflict, and control system.  It is vital for humanity to awaken and become conscious of all fear-based low density vibration that is intended to keep humans in a lower 3D resonance of fear and separation.  As the galactic and earth frequency is increasing, humanity needs to align with heart-centered consciousness that vibrates at the fifth dimension.  The current 3D paradigm of humanity on earth is designed to keep humanity from living and evolving to its true multidimensional consciousness in unity with Divine Being.

The fear, conflict, and control system permeates all of human cultural and social life.  The fear and control frequencies are broadcast and perpetuated through culture, religion, politics, economy, media, and entertainment.  Throughout all sectors of society the human spirit, soul, and body being is entrained in a lower 3D consciousness.  Thus, we must become more aware that we have been living in an orchestrated and manipulated system for thousands of years; events in the 3D and 4D fear frequencies on earth are not random.  Therefore, our first effort in these shifting times is to awaken and become aware of the lower resonance frequencies that pervade the systems, structures, and interactions within a 3D human consciousness on earth.  If you are in a frequency that is not the love and creativity of the heart, then you are resonating away from the true self in Divine unity.  We must now be aware of both our interior frequencies of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, and the more external frequencies in our sensory environment.

Second, we need to disconnect our consciousness from the false 3D and negative 4D fear and control matrix.  The choice of not having our being in resonance with the lower energy is where we move from awareness only to awareness without participation in the negative vibrations.  In a heart-centered unity consciousness, we do not give up authentic power and being to external sources.  Since the current organization and dominant communications on the planet resonate fear, conflict, and control, we must eliminate our resonance from these harmful frequencies.  Humanity needs to take a pervasive look at all systems producing lower density that is separate from the true self in the Divine.  This includes all forms of religion, politics, economics, culture, television, etc.  Each human soul needs to evaluate all frequencies that they are in at any given time.  No matter where it is, if the energy is fear, conflict, and control, do not resonate with it.  The second area of attention in these times of dimensional shift is all about moving our awareness into active transformation and evolution.

The third area of focus is a more proactive anchoring of the higher fifth dimensional frequencies.  The completion of the ninth wave of the Mayan Calendar marks the transformation from the transition phase to the dynamic phase of the dimensional shift (the shifting energies of this time also correlate with ancient wisdom, vedic, biblical, esoteric, alchemical, Inca, Hopi, extraterrestrial, higher dimensional, metaphysical, and numerous other traditions throughout human history).  As we prepare for this transformation over the coming months, we need to open to our third level of awareness–using our information, consciousness, and energy to change the consciousness grids. 

Here, we use the energy of heart-consciousness to unify harmonic energies within humanity, the earth, and all of creation.  It is beginning to use our true human being to express love and exhibit co-creation.  As we move to a fifth dimensional consciousness, we are remembering and becoming aware of who human beings really are.  We are much more than the 3D societies that have been incarnate on the planet for the last several thousand years.  We are multidimensional and interdimensional beings that are able to love and create across all dimensions including  our current 3D incarnate form, and especially through the evolving fifth dimensional body.

Through our own interior consciousness technologies, we can begin to change the overall consciousness grid from the artificial fear, control, and separation system to the harmony, love,  joy, and creativity of a heart-centered fifth dimensional consciousness.  We can begin by doing this personally and in small communities.  For an excellent overview of new communities and information, consciousness and energy grids see “Intelligent Emotional Truths” blog at 

The true multidimensional human organized at the 5D incarnate level is an infinitely powerful energetic being of love and creativity.  At this level, we will rely less on lower 3D technologies that seek to expand our senses through external means.  Humanity will move more toward its own interior consciousness technology of intentional heart-centered creativity, telepathy, teleportation, new higher dimensional energy sources, etc. 

We are now at a critical time of the dimensional shift where we must choose to move beyond the false 3D fear, conflict, control, and separation system.  The outline of the three areas of awareness and action–1. awareness of false fear and control system, 2. disconnecting our consciousness from the false matrix, and 3. creating new higher frequency consciousness and energy grids can guide us in this very important time of the remainder of the transition phase and beginning of the dynamic stage of the dimensional shift.  May we continue to find the truth within the heart and choose the ascension to a fifth dimensional humanity on earth.

Welcome to “Visions of the Fifth Dimension.”  Our purpose throughout this blog will be to convey information on the present dimensional shift on Earth.  In gaining perspective on the shift, we will discuss soul evolution, ancient wisdom, human origins, accelerated healing, consciousness, galactic civilizations, the dimensions of the universe, and the nondimensional spiritual realms.

The solar system is at the end and new beginning of a 26,000 year cycle of precession.  This cycle for earth within the Milky Way galaxy relates to the alignment with the energies of the galactic center.  The charged particles, rays, and higher frequency light, information, and energy from the galactic center interacts with the planet and human consciousness.

Only in recent times are we uncovering and remembering the galactic cosmology for human incarnations on earth.  In the ancient wisdom, we find this knowledge throughout most of the sacred, mystical, esoteric, and prophetic traditions.  The understanding of these energetic cycles exist within Atlantean, Enochian, ancient Egyptian, Vedic, Taoist, Biblical, Tibetan, Mayan, Incan, Hopi, Cherokee, and throughout Native American and many other spiritual and esoteric systems.

They all point to this time as the end of the age or great shift in cycles of time and consciousness.  The astrological ages are in approximately 2,000 year segments and the Mayan Long Count calendar is 5, 125 years which is set to recycle in the 2011-2013 period.  Within the 26,000 year cycle, particularly strong shifts occur at the 12,000 to 13,000 year marks.  We find many cataclysmic changes on Earth at these times.  In the Vedic tradition, we have the great ages of golden, silver,bronze, and iron.  The iron age presents the most dense level of material consciousness in the last several thousand years.

The next transition is a shift back to the light consciousness of the golden age.  Today’s scientific knowledge and instrumentation has been able to verify many sun, solar system, and earth changes that are indications of an energetic shift or evolution. The high frequency subtle energy, light, and consciousness beyond the 3D physical has an effect on consciousness and the body in physical 3D as it is stepped down into magnetic and electromagnetic energy.

At the end of all major cycles on Earth, there are sufficient energies to affect the Earth system, biological life, and human consciousness.  However, during this particular shift the energies are at a certain level of high frequency and vibration to enable a dimensional shift.  The reasons why this cycle happens to be a “dimensional shift” are too complex and numerous to discuss here in this article.  A dimensional shift is under way, and it will occur regardless of human action or the interaction of other intelligent beings on Earth.

There are twelve main dimensions in the dimensional universe.  The Sun, Earth, and solar system has been organized in the third dimension for millions of years.  With the upcoming dimensional shift, it will move to a higher vibration beyond 3D.  What is the role of human beings on Earth during this time?  Humanity plays an integral role in determining whether the shift to a higher dimension will be to a fear and control negative bandwith of the fourth dimension, or the heart-centered unity consciousness of the fifth dimension.

Human choice in awakening, healing, transforming, evolving, and ascending will determine which dimension we shift to, and what will be the next phase of human incarnate life on Earth.  An understanding of fifth dimensional life and the dimensional shift in consciousness will be presented in my soon to be released book, “Dimensional Evolution.”

Throughout this blog, we will be providing insights, knowledge, understanding, and experience about the process of awakening, healing, transforming, evolving, and ascending to a unity consciousness of the fifth dimension on Earth.  Here, humans will express their multidimensional cosmic humanity at the incarnate vibration of the fifth dimension.  This heart-centered way of being is a consciousness of love and creativity of the spirit, soul, and body in Divine unity.